I think to keep at number one, you need to keep the blog updated. I guess if you wanted the same entry, you could copy/paste into a new post (create), and then after you post it, you could either save or delete the older one...?
Maui's dead, Harry rejected me, and I will never see Boy again. That pretty much sums up how I feel when I think about updating this thing. Right now it all hurts too fucking much. Like today, I'm crying over nuzzie and looking at his photos a lot.
8 nuzzles:
i love you.
Such a sweetie; so handsome.
I want to hold his hands!
purrrfection in paws ~ and
Ah...what a face. What a being!
((( Maui Forever )))
This was nice treat. Thank you.
i discovered that nuzzler is tearing up google once again.
he's back up at #1. i guess i had to re-index or something.
good news. i am moving into my own place on the 6th. i can finally rest and get some stuff done, like mail you your package.
I came by for to make the quick nuzzle.
I think to keep at number one, you need to keep the blog updated. I guess if you wanted the same entry, you could copy/paste into a new post (create), and then after you post it, you could either save or delete the older one...?
anyway...nuzzle, nuzzle. nuzzle, nuzzle.
Maui's dead, Harry rejected me, and I will never see Boy again. That pretty much sums up how I feel when I think about updating this thing. Right now it all hurts too fucking much. Like today, I'm crying over nuzzie and looking at his photos a lot.
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