Maui's shrine has moved. His physical shrine that is. Right now it's in several boxes packed away with stuff that doesn't even relate to his shrine. And that's OK, finally. For now.
Maui's blog wrestles for numero uno on Google with some cat litter company who touts their litter as the "best". If I weren't so selfish I would almost be tempted to ... nah.
Maui is the world's greatest cat and I intend to keep him there.
Maui Maui Maui.
he lives, and I have nothing else to say ...
UPDATE: That didn't last long. His shrine is back on a wall. And I added stuff to it.
3 nuzzles:
I've been meaning to say hello and give a holiday greeting, really. May this new year bring you some peace of mind and heart, joy, good health, and continued thoughts of Maui without it always hurting so much. Maui = Love, and it is good to think of him. I know how it is.
I wonder if you have moved yet, and if you have hope you are liking the choice you made. I looked good to me!
I didnt move into the shack because people complained to me that they were unwilling to make the attempt up the side of a dirt mountain. In other words, no one was about to come and visit me. My mother told me she worried that she might break a leg going down the dirt/wood stairs. Friends told me the same, and then added that their mother's legs couldn't be trusted to the dirt/wood stairs. Oy. I offered to build a rail. No I actually offered to build a friggen ramp, one of those kind you see old people use to get from downstairs to up.
All the complaining pretty much defeats the purpose of living on the side of a mountain. I wanted peace, but I'd be out there alone in that beauty and no one was going to visit. It was too rugged for 99% of the people in my life.
I went to stay with a friend for a month. Now I have a roommate; a guy who loves cats. I'll be here for a few months while I find a house. But not in the city. I'll never settle in to the city again. I feel like visitor in this state; a very unhappy visitor. I really need to live alone but I need people to visit.
Anyway, I don't miss Maui everyday. But when I do start missing him it's always a wave of hot projectile tears.
Gabriel Boojal Scraggs is a delight. I couldn't have picked a lovlier little boy. I'm madly in love with him.
But no, I'm still madly in love most of all with Maui.
Life is hard.
A way overdue reply...
Sorry to hear you didn't/couldn't move into the shack. For some reason I really liked it, as much as one can in a cyber way. If I lived in your neck of the woods I'd have visited you there. I hope your living situation is working out &/or you found a house by now to make your home. I hope you and Gabriel are well, and that Maui's spirit visits you often to place loving vibrations into your being. I just wanted to say hi and have been feeling bad about not writing sooner...
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