Gabriel Boojal Scraggsworth
I am officially in love with the cat pictured below. Officially. O-fic-ially. In love. With this cat.
I'm also in love with my aloof cat Harry Bezalel, as well as my insane, creepy OCD ridden ex roommate's cat Boy, who I haven't seen since last year - but the yearning for his 16 lb. lap dances' live on.
And of course it goes without saying, always and forevermore, I'm still the very most in love with the world's greatest cat, Maui...who is also the world's best cat, too. (bump) Maui is still number one on Google.
The cat pictured below is the most beautiful [living] cat on the face of this earth. If you disagree, I will delete such a comment...but I doubt it'll come to that. If you feel like reaching through your screen and squeezing him until he pops sunshine, you're not alone.