Apr 29, 2024

My Maui Onion

Happy Birthday, boy. I remember this day. 

And then when you came home, too. And all the joy I felt. So much joy that you were back in my arms that I watched you wander around until 4am. I miss you, boy.

I love you, Maui.


Apr 30, 2023

I love you, Maui Onion

 Happy birthday my boy, I miss you and I think about you all the time. I hate that everything I love has to pass. I’ll always love you, nuzzlebutt. And I’ll never ever forgot our time, so don’t worry about Gabriel.

your human

Apr 29, 2022

My nuzzler

Maui, My Nuzzler, I miss you always. I have another Maui but he's orange. Sorry I just remembered how you hated other cats. Maui, why did you hate other cats so much? I miss your extreme nuzzles and waking up to you sleeping on me. I'll always love you, nuzzler. Always. And I will never forget you. I love you, boy. I love you..

LOVE always,

your human

PS, I want to stop saying happy birthday to you, it makes me too sad. I wish I could hold you again.

Apr 30, 2021

Dear Maui

Dear Maui,

I love you. 

your human

Jun 4, 2020

Dearest Gabriel

4 years. I miss you sorely. Remember when you fell off the balcony? I went and looked in the spot you hid in, hoping you were there.

I love you, M’love! With a shout of joy, I love you!

God is sovereign, He knows everything and has heard my prayer.

May 1, 2020

Happy Birthday, Maui

I’m sorry that I forgot your birthday. But I’ll never forget you.

I love you, Nuzzler

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