cell phone photo of a little 5 month old Harry. he arrived at his new home on July 4th, 2007 weighing in at 4lbs. he was listed as "DSH" by the shelter folks. DSH in cat speak means domestic shorthair. uh, the 3 inch long hair screaming from his bushy tail might have been a clue.
just look at him!
Jul 24, 2007
Jul 16, 2007

Me and Maui, 2005 - still in love after all those years. He was the most content,
loving cat on the face of the earth.

I was dressing up for Halloween, as a witch; Breaking news! alert the press! That is not my hair. Though it might be a step up at this point. I have no excuse (explanation) for the pose. The point of the photo is, of course, that he is in it, dangling. He loved to be carted around, dangled that way, from place to place. I've always wondered what Maui might have looked like as a small kitten. I think I found out. I want to post that photo.
Some people who shall remain ineffective have said "You really need to stop this and move on", "Quit looking at his photos and go take photos", "There's support groups..." etc. You know - why bother with me at all!? It's pointless to talk to me about the issue because (the sound of their own voices may seem intelligible to their own ears but) all I can actually hear when they say things like this is an adult mumbling in Peanut's world. Shoo! Leave me be and let me have my weird and mournful little world. I have food and water here.