photo taken January 22, 2007
the first time i saw this face, those eyes...they were staring from behind prison bars. he wanted out badly, so he pressed his little nose up to the bars and held it there waiting for contact. what was i supposed to do? maui had just died 6 weeks prior and here i am cruising shelters from chatsworth to san diego--looking for love. i chatted with a lot of kittens and cats. exhaustion set in and i gave up. it would have to wait. enough already. but a family member kept commenting about my gloomy state of mind - until i got fed up enough to try one more time.
that's when he happened, that overwhelming thing up there, the monsterish looking harry form with the tempting long hair and the irresistible kisser. i think he loves me a little, just enough to make it easy on me, just enough to allow me the freedom grieve completely the loss of my one true cat-love.
i really love harry for being what he is.
10 nuzzles:
It's 2008.
I know how time just seems to slip by though.
Unconditional but hopefully not unrequited love for Harry.
I totally get that.
It keeps slipping. I wish it would slip on by lightly and stop leaving little crows feet near my eyes. Those things weren't there a mere few years ago.
When Harry first arrive I thought he might be...well, retarded. It didn't register that a cat might just be aloof. Maybe he loves me a little, I hope. I don't know. I just love him so much I guess so I guess its ok.
It's just that you keep labeling the pics as 2007 and thought maybe I lost a year. Maybe I did.
Crow's feet are huge. Scary big. You probably have sparrows feet if anything.
Okay then maybe they're more like .. sparcrow's feet. Had a hard year.
I keep having to erase things when I catch myself writing and signing things 2007.
Maybe you need a do-over.
It could have been worse.
Speaking of birds
Okay, sorry to babble on here on your page, I'll leave you alone.
I thought you might enjoy (what I think) is one of the more amazing shots of a flock of birds.
I don't know if I want a do-over. Thre are a few things I might want to do in the future.
1) Skydiving - really
2) Publish a book (about you know whomeow)
3) Stretch my arm out over my head and pound a nail into a 2x4
i love crows feet. i love that i'm getting them. the deeper and longer, the better. they come from smiling. so when you see them on someone, you know they probably smile and/or laugh a lot.
some of my favorite 60+ old faces are lined like that.
harry will love you. he's probably just afraid to trust again. i think when animals are abandoned, it breaks their hearts. ... and it probably makes it harder for them to trust someone enough to let themselves love all the way. in time, he'll learn that you're not gonna drop him off like that.
I'm not the smiley sort at all.
I think the lines got there from crying over Maui. Really.
The only time harry really appears to like it when I motion toward him is when I'm holding the hairbrush. He loves being brushed. I hope harry will love me one day.
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