Jun 29, 2008

the two living breathing homeless shelters at 6 months old, courtesy of my roommate's cell phone

the two fully operational flea-processing corporation's - fully grown

some time in june, 2008
i am totally flea-bitten. last night i slept with a back scratcher. my body is a red mark, puncutated by bouts of nomadic, intense, itching. this is the God's honest truth: maui never brought this plague upon me, not even once. the two pusses above are running a shelter for homeless fleas. they've been de-flead once already without benefit. i'm becoming annoyed...and i think i've contracted a tropical disease.

the lackadaisical attitude of the fluffy one of the two pictured above isn't helping. plus, the other night while stalking a flying thing flittering around just outside my bedroom window, he decided to throw himself into the screen, breaking it and the frame apart - so now mosquitos are making their way toward my reading light.

Jun 21, 2008

oh, i want to live here. who wouldn't. special attention to 1:19. nummy.

Jun 16, 2008

polaroid of boy, taken june 16, 2007. uh, i mean 2008.
but really, deeply and truly, it's all still about maui.

Jun 12, 2008

june 11/12 2007
his given name is Pink because, apparently, he was a pink/salmon color as a kitten. i call him prince & pink, depending.
he has a very deep little cat soul

and this

this was added because i found it online posted someplace i wasn't aware of. seems picassa has been somehow funnelling (i don't care if that's spelled correctly) my photos all over there. wtf! i don't like this photo at all...that garish colored lipstick. the pic was taken in the middle of illness and i was trying to make myself look alive. i remember that day. anyway, it's so bad it had to be posted here on nuzzler's shrine to be basked in the warmth of nuzzly memories. and it's not that little harry bez isn't thrilled to be confined between (two [yeah, two - because i don't do anything half asked] then fucked up and very frozen shoulders), it's that he's still pretending to tolerate me.

Jun 6, 2008

taken june 6 2008 or May '08 sometime
learning to fly

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